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It's only been a year since the death of Ben Parker and the birth of Spider-Man. During the past year, a lot of things have happened; Archenemies, John Jonah Jameson, Weird fans, Aunt May knowing that Peter is Spider-Man. As Peter enters his second year of being Spider-Man, another thing major event happens. Aunt May's job moves them from Queens, New York to Chicago, Illinois. Upon their first day living in Chicago, Peter head to Riley's, a Pizza joint just across the street from their apartment. Peter meets the Rileys, the family that owns and runs the pizza joint. A family of four boys with a girl in between. Peter first meets Christana or Chris at Riley's but, formally meets her on their first day of senior year. As the months and the years go by, new villains to threaten the lives of the innocent, old faces, and secrets come to light.

by Josie Hook



Currently slinging all through Chicago. It's now dawning on me just how much different Chicago is from New York. I knew most of the alleyways and where they went to back in New York since I had lived there all of my life before we moved here. I had gotten used to them, now it's going to be a challenge to get use to Chicago's alleyways. I've only been living here for only three days now and today is the first day that Spider-Man is slinging around, stopping villains. Going after a gang of farm animal people. I wish I was kidding. This gang are mutated animal people. I finally catch up with the gang at Millennium Park. 

"Is that Spider-Man?"

"Spider-Man in Chicago?" Not the best time to deal with swarms of people. I try my best to sling out of the way of the swarms while chasing the gang. 

"Sorry! Excuse me! Sorry! Spider-Man coming through!" And I thought the crowds back in New York were bad. I think Chicago's worse! I see the gang getting away while the swarms are coming in closer. Running out of webs and I did not take that sandwich from Aunt May! Damn it! Should have taken that sandwich! It would be very helpful right now! I need a way out now! A sewer cover catches my eye. Well, Cow-a-Bunga. I use part of small number of webs I have left to get the lid off and down I go. I stick to part of the sewer wall and use the same web to pull the cover back on. Here we go. I swing my feet onto the wall-wall of the sewer. Once I'm stable, I start to run while breathing through my mouth. Don't want to be breathing literal shit and God knows what else! 

After running for feels like forever, I find another sewer cover and pop it open. I poke my head out and I'm by I think the fountain? I climb out of the sewer. So going to take a shower later. I pop the lid back on when I see that the police have already captured the gang. Note to self: Take the sandwich next time! Luckily, no one notices me right now. Need to grab something to eat before I head home and take as many showers as it'll take to get the sewer stench off of me. Now where to find something to eat? 

"Spider-Man?" I turn to where I hear the voice and see Chris from the pizza shop, holding two hot dogs? 

"Oh, Pizza Shop Girl. Hi." Chris walks over to me. 

"What are you holding?" 

"Chicago-style hot dogs. Want one?" Never had a Chicago style hot dog before.

"Sure." Chris hands me one of hot dogs and I take it. I lift my mask up enough to shove the hot dog in my mouth which I almost choke. Bad idea! Can't protect Chicago as Spider-Man or take a shower as Peter Parker if I'm dead. I eat the hot dog quickly. Better idea than choking to death! After I eat it, I pull my mask back down. 

"Thanks for the hot dog! Bye!" I sling a web and head for home!



"Thanks for the hot dog! Bye!" Spider-Man slings a web and disappears to who knows where. From the 5-minute interaction I had with him and from what I could see, Spider-Man does seem to be in the realm of being a man but, definitely not the realm of older man. Based on his body language, body in general that can be seen through the costume, and part of his face I saw, he doesn't look like he couldn't be older than maybe 20. Has that sewer smell which would explain why there's webs sticking on the covers. It does make me wonder. Who is Spider-Man under that mask? 



After trying to avoid people, I'm home. I open the window and slip in. Close the window behind me and close the binds. Pretty sure no one will be looking through the window but, not taking that chance! I pull my mask off first as I hear the door open. I sling a web that hits the side of the door. 

"Well, welcome home Peter." And I mistook my aunt for an intruder. 

"Sorry Aunt May!" Aunt May with a basket walks over to me. 

"It's fine. Peter, why do you smell like a sewer?" 

"Because I ran through one...." I see that look on her face. 

"You were running out of webs?"

"I was running out of webs." Aunt May sighs. 

"There is a reason why I told you to take that sandwich with you." 

"I didn't think I needed it until I did." Aunt May sets the basket down. 

"Take the rest of the costume off and take a shower."

"Okay, Aunt May." Aunt May walks away to grab something as I drop my mask into the basket and remove the rest of my costume off as Aunt May comes back with a towel.

"Here, Peter." Aunt May hands me the towel. 

"Thanks." I put the towel around my waist before slipping my underwear off. Probably a good idea to wash that since I was in the sewer. I drop it into the basket. Aunt May picks up the basket. 

"Alright then. Good thing I was already doing laundry. Just will make sure no one's around when I put this one in." I head for the bathroom to take a shower. Let's just say this Spider-Man outing ended kind of shitty but, hopefully it'll get better as I get use to Chicago. 

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